Monday, 9 August 2010

I don't know what else could happen in this picture that would make me love it more

I like to think that even if a lot of the people in this picture weren't related to me, it would still make me scream with laughter and joy. This is my mum's Uncle Dicky, he of the v. long legs and flat caps and racist remarks. My mum sent me this photo with the caption "Dicky dancing like John Cleese". It's true that he is dancing like John Cleese, but he is also doing so much more than that. And I have so many questions. Why are they all dancing on the lawn like this? Why is it the day time? Why are two of them wearing funny hats? How come there are only old people, except for that little girl? Who is that little girl?
In a way, I almost wish I didn't know the people in this picture, because there is a part of me that would be happy to endlessly speculate on what the hell it is they think they are all doing.

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