Monday, 7 June 2010

a big thing on the news today was a Near Fatal fox attack in a house near where rom lives

This fox came came into these people's house and had a pretty good go at eating up their babies. it all seems a bit red riding hood-ish and made up to me, but really it is true. Me and simon and rom saw a huge dog sized fox eating something out the bin a while ago. Apparently they are the scourge of hackney. they're okay now, the babies. the mum seems quite upset. she said:

“I think they are just vermin. They’re always there in the garden. You can hear them at night fighting or making love."

it's so amazing that she calls it that.

Here are some pictures of the canal quite near the scene of the crime. We went for a walk there yesterday evening. 

number of fox sightings: zero

number of houses i would like to live in sightings: one million

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