there is a bit at the end of one of kingsley amis's letters where he is talking about his ex-wife and he says "and meanwhile i continue to live a charmed life, and have not once clapped eyes on the bitch."
which is of course a terrible thing to say, but i like how it sort of looks.
and then the other day i was reading the newspaper and there was this review of a book of letters by someone, and in one bit of the letters this man says "and meanwhile we continue to live like the most contemptible wastrels, and (something something else Dissipated)."
which is of course lame and Bohemian, but still i like how it looks.
and then yesterday i was reading the papers again and there was a very boring interview with someone where they said that their best superpower would be being invisible.
and i said oh jesus i hate it when people say that, because as if being invisible wouldn't be the worst thing ever. you would definitely hear terrible things, and also it would be very boring and frightening. and then we were talking about what really we would like to be able to do.
and i said time travel. and dan said that he would like to be able to learn and remember everything. and mae said she would like to be able to open her mouth and have money pour out. and dan said oh jesus yes that would be the best, I'm tired of us living like fucking mice in a box.
which i thought was really a great thing to say.
So if i was writing a letter now i would end by saying:
"and meanwhile we continue to live like mice in a box, and are unable to even think of buying anything at all.
Yours as ever,
really i am so broke. these are Lean Times.
actually it's more likely that I would end the letter like this:
"and meanwhile we continue to live like mice in a box, and the problem is that I'm having such a nice time that this doesn't worry me at all.
Yours as ever,
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