Monday, 18 October 2010

Speaking of can-carrying invisible pals

James has this flatmate called Bob, who I struggle to believe in. Even though I know he is a real man*, there is something about him that sounds extremely made up. "The fictional-sounding Bob Surname". Bob is a struggling actor who has had sex with over a million women. He is in his early thirties. He is quite sort of vehement and passionate. "The grievance-nursing Bob Surname."**
This is all I know of Bob, and it is quite enough for me to know that a) he is amazing, and b) I never ever want to meet him because it will be a huge letdown.

* Reasons I know this:
1. James is not insane
2. Dan has seen him

** Reason I know this: Sometimes Dan will mention an actor that they both know, or someone they were at drama school with or something, and James will go "ooooooh, Bob hates him. He just hates him."

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