Monday, 31 May 2010

apparently my magnetic north here is the zoo

i get lost almost constantly, of course. and it's horrible because everything takes like three times longer than i imagine it will anyway, and I keep arriving places looking a bit terrified and breathless and like i have been swearing a lot, but what makes it okay is that i know that when i do get lost, the place i will somehow end up at is the zoo. it's amazing. i'll have no idea where the hell i am, walking very fast and angrily around streets that all look the same, and then i will hear exotic bird noises, or the noise of a lion or a camel, and I'll realise that i have been somehow irresistibly drawn to the zoo. again. 

here is the canal just below the zoo. i don't know why, but this picture makes it look quite horrible and scruffs, when really it is VERY FLASH. rom and me sat on a bench here and drank a lot of whisky out the bottle. to the left of this is a chinese restaurant on a boat that i am adding to my list of places to go when i'm not such an appalling poor. 

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